Tuesday, April 5, 2011

a new simple dress.

so i happened upon some ikea sale fabric while 
Easter basket shopping the other day. 
i've really been wanting to try this simple pattern
my mom had made last year, so i winged it
and it was ridiculously easy, fast and rewarding.
i promise i'll share a tutorial soon...
just not promising perfection.
anyhow, it was basically two pieces sewn together
with a casing at the top...and a long satin ribbon strewn 
through the casing. the end.
oh, and i spied some cute j.crew kids clothes 
as we were window shopping one morning recently
before swim class. dreaming of trying to 
copy that giant flower onto a little white
dress...for Easter perhaps?

i shall also note my love of morning light for pictures.
i'll have to do this more often i guess. if only dec
wasn't such a busy body. ruby essentially has to 
put him in a headlock and try to say cheese.

ps. ruby is laying here next to me, refusing to go 
to sleep and just told me "mommy, you look
like mary poppins. why you're not mary poppins?"
not sure ruby, i'll work on that one.

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