of this old home is the dear front porch.
i would live on it if only it were not for two things:
nice weather and a baby boy who
will surely go tumbling down the steps.
other than that, i really simply love it.
most especially when it rains and we can eat dinner outside
most especially when it rains and we can eat dinner outside
and be under the down pour
enjoying pizza, cervesas and that general happiness in the
feeling of a weekend.
so we ran in it for a bit while it lasted.
yes i was running barefoot up and down the street splashing
in puddles.
it was grand.
i guess ruby and i's song
'rain rain come today....'
sung often with newly added rhyming lyrics
here and there might have finally worked.
did you know this is how princesses walk?
holding their dresses so?
yes it is true.