Saturday, January 22, 2011

back home

oh is it ever so good to be back home.
little secret, i forgot to reveal, but i snuck away
pretty last minute to alt summit...a bloggers design
conference...that was a-maze-ing.
i am still in shock that i could be part of something
so incredible.
i feel pretty blessed.
more on that later.

for now,
it is so so good to be back home in sunny az,
in gorgeous weather,
with the ones i love near to hug and squeeze.
seeing ruby in the airport was glorious.
we did a dramatic run for each other.
now its just catching up and
trying to bring myself back to reality.

1 comment:

diane said...

reunions are the best. that's so cool that you went to alt. your blog is one of my faves to visit and i look forward to hearing about the conference.