Friday, February 21, 2014

cake and cousins.

we were recently blessed with a visit from our chicago cousins. this so happens to include declan's bff so i am always glad to see those two reunited. they can hang all day, never stop finding adventures, playing army guys, guns, digging in the dirt and arguing like old men over who is right. it is hilarious to sit back and watch.

among the many get togethers we enjoyed we were able to do a little valentines/birthday party at my parents. all the cousins exchanged valentines and we celebrated three family birthdays. i took the opportunity to make some fancy cakes i've been wanting to try. fun and messy. still pondering how the sprinkles get all over the sides without all over your house. i will definitely post some recipes later but for now its back to work on laundry and yes, another cake...for the school carnival tomorrow! have a beautiful weekend. 

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