Friday, January 15, 2010

how we spend a lot of time

just bouncing on the bed, reading book after book, and cuddling with Declan...getting him to smile...his latest trick. he is definitley mr. smiles these days. unfortunately i never get it on camera.
while in ruby's is the rocking chair i painted a rediculously loud yellow for her christmas present. done while still pregnant of course. and a lovely cushion made from an old table cloth i've had forever.

one of miss ruby's fave books right now. im not sure if she really gets it but she sure does love looking at it. most of the time these days she just says 'me' when picking out a book and then plops down to look through the pages. i only get the joy of reading them to her sometimes. oh, miss independent.

oh, and i recently made her some bunting to hang above her bed which she loves to point at and name colors....and Declan seems to enjoy it as well. gigi and grandpa gave us those giant letter cards which we hung with close pins above the bed so we can switch them out and look at new letters, words and colors.
for some reason ruby cant get the pig sound and continually makes a cow like sound for the pig. oh , someday.

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