so emily (pete's wife) and i were talking the other day about how wonderful it would be if we all lived near eachother and possibly if we all lived in the same neighborhood. this turned into a more serious conversation about how we really
would be all for it if it was a possibility. the funny thing is that i used to find it so strange, wanting to live near all your family so close. now that i am in my current situation i can definitely see the advantages.
so ed and i live in a neighborhood that we could afford that is close to work, even though we really wanted to live downtown. we are always saying that pete and emily's neighborhood is so nice b/c they have all these great fun, young neighbors and they can just let their kids play in the yard with the other kids, etc. It looks magical to us. Then we go home to a house we love, but would honestly rather live in a much uglier 'whatever' house if we could have fun family and friends near by.
so now i can not stop dreaming of the life that could where we could see our kids off to school and meet out front for coffee in the park to discuss the world happenings, or the latest book we're reading, or a really great recepie we found. if i was out of something while baking i could just walk down the way and borrow. our kids could play together! ok, i could go on and on and im sure im boring people, but its just on my mind. i just keep thinking we only get this one life to live, so why do we make the odd decisions that we do, such as living far away when we could be near, and therefore could maybe spend a little less time in the car and more quality time with the ones we love. why dont we create communities where we are surrounded by strong supports in the faith, and all that we hold dear?
im just going to keep dreaming...